Friday, July 27, 2007

Credit Card Machines 802 Online

Apply Online For A Free Credit Card
By Terje Ellingsen

It is easy to apply online for a free credit card. Filling out
a credit card application is just like filling out a job
application-everyone needs some tips to use so that they get
approved. If your credit is bad, then it may be a little more
difficult to get a credit card than if you have good credit. Do
not give up, because there are hundreds of companies out there
that offer credit cards for people with bad credit and if you
shop around, you will find the credit card that is just right
for you.

If you consider getting a credit card, the first place that you
can get information is the Internet. The Internet has a lot of
information about many different credit cards, including their
rates, fees, and incentives, so that you can find the best
credit card for you. There are some credit card companies that
say that they will give you a credit card with no credit check.
However, keep in mind that having a credit card almost always
means that you are going to go into debt. Be cautious when
choosing the credit card for you. Read the fine print of their
terms and agreements to make sure that there are not going to be
any surprises.

You should analyze your financial situation to make sure that
you can handle a credit card and its payments. Even the most
cautious of us go on a little shopping excursion every now and
then and you do not want to be thrown into a financial tailspin
when your bill comes in. Cautiousness is very important in using
your credit card. If you are not sure that you can handle a
credit card, then rethink applying. You need to be sure that
when the bill comes in that you can make the payments. If you
are not completely sure, then don't get a credit card until you
are ready.

About the Author: Terje Brooks Ellingsen is an internet
publisher and runs He helps people
with issues like how to to apply online for credit cards, see and more.


Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Credit Card Machines 802 Online

Benefits Of Online Credit Card Processors
By Matt Garrett

We have all heard of PayPal. PayPal is an online credit card
processor that allows online businesses to securely accept
credit cards as a form of payment. In addition to PayPal, there
are additional online credit card processors.

Online shopping has dramatically increased in popularity and
each day more consumers think about purchasing online. Online
shopping is popular because it is generally easy and convenient.
Online credit card processors help to make online shopping
hassle free. Online credit card processors are used by large or
small businesses. In additional to nationally known companies,
online credit card processors make it easy for work-at-home
individuals to successfully make a profit selling homemade or
wholesale merchandise.

For individuals interested in starting their own online
business, finding the perfect online credit card processing
company make take sometime. Credit card number are valuable
information and unfortunately many account numbers are stolen
each day. In addition to protecting the assets of your business,
obtaining a secure online credit card processor will also
protect your customers. Consumers do not want to be shopping or
handing out valuable personal information to an unsecured
website or credit card processing company. The best way to
determine the success of online credit card processors is by
searching for customer feedback on the internet. Many times
clients will post feedback when they have had a positive or
negative experience with a company.

In addition to personal and business security, fully
researching the various different online credit card processors
is a potential way to increase your profits. For allowing you to
use their services, you are charged a fee. The fee and rates
will depend on the online credit card processor in question. For
this reason, it is important to shop around and find the best
value for your money. Although cheaper rates are nice, it is not
always better. Go with your gut instinct, if something seems too
good to be true it may be. Research is an important tool in
keeping your profits intact.

It is not uncommon to come across online credit card processors
that offer certain guidelines or restrictions on their services.
For example, there may be a select few of online credit card
processors that limit the amount of sales it processes. This
limit may be monthly, weekly, or even daily. If your business
becomes a success, this restriction could only hurt it and could
cause you to lose potential profits.

Another restriction may include the type of business that you
are operating. Although each online credit card processor is
different and they tend to operate under different standards,
some online businesses may be a violation of their standards. A
few examples of the businesses that online credit card
processors may refuse to service are gambling sites, adult
sties, or pharmacies. Before entering into a contract with an
online credit card processing company, it is important to read
through their contract rules and guidelines.

Credit cards are used by consumers because they are a
convenient and easy way to participate in online shopping. If
you are operating an online business, whether it be large or
small, consider accepting online credit cards. There a wide
number of online credit card processors available to serve your
needs and help your businesses grow.

About the Author: Matt Garrett, SEO Services


Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Credit Card Machines 802 Online

First Credit Card Hazards
By Steve Wilcott

It seems like every time I check my mail there is at least one
or two pre-approved credit card applications. I’m sure you get
them, too. The thing is, you can have terrible credit and still
they flood in. Beware if you just filed bankruptcy because you
will get more of them then you know what to do with!

Credit card debt is all too easy to get into--over and over
again. We don’t feel like we are spending real money until the
bill comes, and then it’s too late. The credit card companies
know how to make it very tempting to fall back on any good
habits we’ve created and just spend away. It’s hard to get away
from, but we have to resist temptation.

When establishing good credit, one of the things we’re told to
do is to get a credit card and then use it to spend wisely.
Experts advise us to pay our bills on time and not to exceed
the credit limit. However, no one really talks to us when we
get that first card about how easily and quickly we hit that
limit, or how easy it is to miss that first monthly payment.
Once you get behind, it can be really hard to catch up.
Oftentimes, credit cards come with introductory interest rates
that are nothing or very low. But many times, those rates soon
change and you can find yourself with a full balance on your
card with an 18 or 20 percent interest rate! That interest rate
can then put you over your limit, if your not paying at least
the minimum payment, now making you susceptible to
over-the-limit fees. Before you know it, you are getting bad
reports on your credit reports for credit card debt on a card
that you haven’t even had very long.

Unfortunately, when times are hard, abusing credit cards is all
too easy. When the economy is bad and cash is tight, you might
find yourself putting your daily living expenses on your credit
cards. If there is any kind of pattern like this in your credit
card spending, it can fill up your credit reports pretty
quickly. When you are not making your payments, the credit card
companies do inquiries to verify your address or other
information. Every time someone makes an inquiry on your credit
report, it makes you look like even more of a high risk, further
worsening your credit report. All the credit card debt on your
report, even if some of it is good, can make you look high risk
for car loans or mortgages – especially if any of those cards
hold high balances. Even worse, that bad credit report can keep
you from renting an apartment or getting a job that requires a
background check.

As tempting as it is to pay with plastic, choose the “debit
option next time and keep your future in mind. It’s normal to
risk it all when times are tough, but doing so creates more
problems later that can take years with a credit counselor to
fix. Credit card debt has long time risks, but if you use
credit cards wisely, you can build credit that brings rewards

About the Author: This article provide courtesy of


Friday, July 20, 2007

Credit Card Machines Online

How To Accept Credit Cards Online
By []Jim Edwards

Anyone with an online business, whether for auctions,
services, or virtually any type of product, has asked the
same question at some time during their quest to create
the ultimate online business - "How do I accept credit

Since over 90% of all transactions on the Internet
involve customers paying by credit card, accepting
plastic money rates a must for almost any business.

The problem for most small online business owners
involves the high cost of setting up and maintaining a
credit card merchant account.

With startup fees ranging from $200 to $500, minimum
monthly fees of at least $40 to $50, plus per transaction
fees and a percentage of sales, most people who want to
supplement their income online or test an idea can't risk
that kind of money.

Add in credit checks, 48-month service contracts,
expensive equipment purchases or leasing, financial
statements, and last 3 years' tax returns and most people
throw up their hands and give up before they even get

Fortunately several companies responded to this problem
with unique solutions that enable smaller online
merchants to accept credit cards at a fraction of those
high startup costs with no long-term commitment, no
equipment purchases, and zero minimum monthly fees.

~ ~

PayPal has gotten some negative press over the last
couple of years, but that press has been mostly

PayPal makes it easy for you to collect money for your
online sales, send money to merchants, bill people
monthly, collect dues and donations and integrate a free
shopping cart into your site.

Of all the payment and money transfer services online,
PayPal ranks as the absolute lowest in cost and the
easiest to set up.

PayPal allows merchants to sell physical and downloadable
products along with personal services.

~ ~

For a $50 one-time fee ClickBank enables online ebook,
software and other electronic information sellers to not
only accept credit cards, but provide instant delivery of
their products to online purchasers.

ClickBank allows any merchant to accept virtually every
major credit card on the planet.

The online merchant simply adds a purchase link to their
site, the customer clicks the link, fills in their
payment information and the credit card gets authorized
on the spot.

Once the card gets approved ClickBank redirects the buyer
to a page that enables them to download the ebook,
software, or other product they have just purchased.

ClickBank also operates a fully integrated affiliate
program that automatically pays affiliates who sell your
products for you.

ClickBank heavily restricts what merchants may sell
through the service and does not allow the sale of
physical goods.

~ ~

Of the three, Paysystems behaves most like a traditional
credit card merchant account.

The service allows the merchant to integrate with a
number of third-party shopping carts as well as use the
PaySystems shopping cart system.

Merchants pay a small transaction fee and a percentage of
the sale, but don't sign up for any long-term service
contracts or equipment leases.

(c) Jim Edwards - All Rights reserved

Jim Edwards is a syndicated newspaper columnist and the
co-author of an amazing new ebook that will teach you how
to use free articles to quickly drive thousands of
targeted visitors to your website or affiliate links...

Simple "Traffic Machine" brings Thousands of NEW visitors to
your website for weeks, even months... without spending a
dime on advertising! []Turn Words Into

Article Source:

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Credit Card Machines 802 online

Credit Card Debt Problems
By Ethan Hunter

What to Do If You Hit the Debt Mire

When debt goes bad, it becomes more than just a financial
problem. It can take over your life. If you have a debt problem
the earlier it is handled and dealt with, the less likely it’ll
turn into a crisis, and the more money you’ll save in the
fullness of time.

The very nature of borrowing means that interest increases over
time and if it isn’t dealt with promptly, it can spiral out of
control and land you into trouble. Particularly with credit
cards, when interest payments are large, and a minimum payment
offers a seemingly manageable solution; what is actually
happening is this: the balance is being eroded like the sea
bites away at the shore. It’ll disappear into the ocean
eventually, but might take many years to do so. What you need
is a more radical approach, where chunks of debt are eaten away
each month.

Being in debt can be a stressful time. Many people are scared
to tell husbands, wives, friends – anyone. There’s a kind of
stigma attached to the problem, but there is always a way out.

Traditional debt advice proscribes borrowing your way out of a
problem. Yet this ignores the reality of most debts. A more
advisable and realistic approach would be to never borrow more
to get out of debt trouble. If it is possible to borrow more
cheaply elsewhere to replace existing borrowing and consolidate
your debt, then this is an eminently sensible approach.

The first step should always be to work out your monthly
outgoings and try and trim down your spending on luxuries and
things you can do without. This doesn’t mean you have to live
the life of a monk and forgo all worldly pleasures! But by
adopting sensible spending patterns you can redirect some of
your monthly income into paying off your outstanding balances.
Always keep at the front of your mind the fact that the longer
the debt smolders away, the more you spend in interest

Those with big debts may save thousands a year in interest by
reconsidering their borrowing commitments. Do this in three

i) Lower the interest if possible by moving your debts to
reduce the interest cost.
ii) Pay the worst first: prioritize paying off the highest
interest rate debts first
iii) Utilize any free debt advice there is. A non-commercial
agency will give you good advice, focus you on your priorities,
and place any problems in context. Things may not be as bad as
they first seem.

Of course, there’s other basic, practicable things you can do
on your own. It's incredibly important to get on top of credit
card debts as soon as possible. Don't default or miss payments.
Let the credit card company know if you are going to be unable
to pay – it’s always better to talk to them than putting your
head in the sand.

If things aren’t that bad, there’s a variety of easy strategies
you can implement that will help ease things for you. Consider a
credit card balance transfer to a lender offering a lower rate
of APR. This will mean you spend less on interest payments each
month and start to attack the overall balance with real venom.

You could take out an unsecured loan as a way of consolidating
your debt. Personal loans can give you a consistent cheap debt,
and as you must make the repayments each month, it helps provide
structure to your repayments. Those with poorer credit scores
might not always get decent rates, but it’s still often a
cheaper option than paying back credit card debt each month,
and overall a faster method of repayment.

If you have them, use savings: The interest paid on savings is
usually far less than interest charged on borrowing, so paying
off debts with savings makes eminent sense. Even if you think
of your savings as an ‘emergency cash fund’ or money for the
future, better to fall back on it in the short term and pay it
back later, than paying interest to a credit card company so
that money for some far flung eventuality is at your disposal.

It’s worth mentioning that for many people, credit cards
provide sensible short term, flexible lending, that’s both
cheap and convenient. You should always try and proceed
cautiously, but credit card debt woes are not an inevitable
consequence of taking them out. Tens of millions of Americans
use credit cards cheaply and conveniently every year.

For those who feel they are in trouble, don’t feel stigmatized
by your debt woes and don’t pretend they’re not there. Help is
at hand should you seek it, and a solution is never far away.

About the Author: Ethan Hunter is the author of many credit
related articles. If you are looking for help with Home Loans
or any type of credit issue please visit us at


Sunday, July 15, 2007

Credit Card Machines 802 Online

Credit Card Debt – Watch Your Credit Report And Your Bill
By Charles Essmeier

Most consumers are aware of the importance of their credit
report. This document, offered to consumers and lenders by the
three major credit bureaus, offers a fairly complete list of
financial transactions and debts incurred by a consumer.
Lenders examine the report, along with the associated FICO
score, to determine whether a consumer is worthy of receiving
additional credit or loans. What many consumers may not know is
that credit card companies regularly check their credit reports,
and unfavorable entries may result in a higher interest rate on
their credit cards.

We have previously noted that many credit card companies employ
something known as a “universal default clause” in their terms
of service. This clause allows the company to raise interest
rates on the customer’s card if the customer pays bills late. A
late payment to the phone company could result in a higher
interest rate on the Visa card. Most companies also allow
themselves the latitude to raise their customers’ interest
rates for any reason at all. With this in mind, the credit card
companies tend to run occasional credit checks on their
customers, often raising rates if they notice any activity
that, in their opinion, makes the customer a higher risk. This
might happen even if the customer has a history of paying his
or her credit card bills on time.

The sorts of things that may create a “risky” client include
taking out additional loans, additional credit cards, or
building balances on existing cards to at or near their limits.
The companies justify this activity by saying that consumers who
do these things create greater risk for the lender, and these
costs must be passed on to all of their customers. The problem
for the customer is that these higher interest rates are often
assigned without warning. The new rate applies to existing
balances, too. An interest rate hike today could mean that the
television you bought last fall has suddenly become more

What can consumers do? Keep an eye on your credit card bill and
your credit report. You can receive a copy of your credit
report, for free, at As for
your credit card bill, watch the interest rate. If it abruptly
changes to a higher rate, call your credit card issuer and ask
them about it. They will often reduce the rate if you call and
complain. If not, your only option may be to shop around for
another card.

About the Author: ©Copyright 2005 by Retro Marketing. Charles
Essmeier is the owner of Retro Marketing, a firm devoted to
informational Websites, including,
a site devoted to debt consolidation and credit counseling.


Saturday, July 14, 2007

Credit Card Machines

Buying A Car - Preparing Yourself For A Car Loan
By []Apurva Shree

While buying a new car, the first thing that comes into ones mind is the price. Salaried people usually prefer to take car loans instead of paying the entire amount outright. Before you go to the showroom, prepare yourself with all the information you require to finance your new car purchase with a car loan and preferably a low interest car loan.

Take a long hard look at your financial condition and zero in on the budget – the maximum price you are willing to pay for the car of your choice. Once you have finalized that, decide on the amount of money you can afford to shell out as a down payment for the car loan. This would have a direct impact on what you can comfortably afford to pay every month as car loan repayment.

Do Your Homework Before Taking A Car Loan

Entering a car showroom without doing an extensive market research is foolhardy – you are at the mercy of the smiling car salesperson! With the advent of internet, market research has never been easier! Look around for dealers and banks offering low interest car loans. Use a search engine intelligently and you will find quite a few websites that allow a person to calculate the monthly installments he would require to pay on car loans based on the price of the car, the interest rates, and the tenure.

Getting “fast approval car loans” will be simpler if you can prove a good credit history and income. Keep in mind, low interest car loans and fast approval car loans do not go hand in hand all the time. In order to get a car loan approved within hours you may have to face high interest rates, ridiculously short repayment period or even lower loan amount! That would mean that you would have to shell out more money from your pockets in order to avoid high monthly payments on car loans. The challenge is finding a financial institution or a car dealer who offers low interest car loans together with a reasonably fast approval.

Buying a car involves big money. Do not stop after enquiring with a 2-3 dealers or banks. What you may think as low interest rate car loan may actually seem high if you look at what the fourth has to offer! Knowing what is on offer in the market will prevent those lightning bolts falling on your head when the dealer utters the interest rates and the monthly installments you are to pay on the car loan for the next 5 years.

The decision to take a car loan, or for that matter, any loan will affect your finances for a few years. Plan well before taking a so-called fast approval car loan. Try not to change your regular lifestyle drastically because of an expensive car. Think of your other financial commitments. Do not jump at the thought of buying a sexy looking sports car, when what you need regularly is a spacious family car for four and a pet. Think carefully about what you need and what you would love to have- if the difference turns out to be too much, use your practical sense!

When you are planning to buy a car and Need a Car loan, you should try to get a []low interest car loan. These days, its very easy to get a []instant car loan. Read on more at []Low-Interest-Car-Loan.Info to find how you need to prepare yourself mentally and financially before making the big purchase.

Article Source:

Friday, July 13, 2007

Credit Card Machines 802 Online

How To Accept Credit Cards Online
By []Jim Edwards

Anyone with an online business, whether for auctions,
services, or virtually any type of product, has asked the
same question at some time during their quest to create
the ultimate online business - "How do I accept credit

Since over 90% of all transactions on the Internet
involve customers paying by credit card, accepting
plastic money rates a must for almost any business.

The problem for most small online business owners
involves the high cost of setting up and maintaining a
credit card merchant account.

With startup fees ranging from $200 to $500, minimum
monthly fees of at least $40 to $50, plus per transaction
fees and a percentage of sales, most people who want to
supplement their income online or test an idea can't risk
that kind of money.

Add in credit checks, 48-month service contracts,
expensive equipment purchases or leasing, financial
statements, and last 3 years' tax returns and most people
throw up their hands and give up before they even get

Fortunately several companies responded to this problem
with unique solutions that enable smaller online
merchants to accept credit cards at a fraction of those
high startup costs with no long-term commitment, no
equipment purchases, and zero minimum monthly fees.

~ ~

PayPal has gotten some negative press over the last
couple of years, but that press has been mostly

PayPal makes it easy for you to collect money for your
online sales, send money to merchants, bill people
monthly, collect dues and donations and integrate a free
shopping cart into your site.

Of all the payment and money transfer services online,
PayPal ranks as the absolute lowest in cost and the
easiest to set up.

PayPal allows merchants to sell physical and downloadable
products along with personal services.

~ ~

For a $50 one-time fee ClickBank enables online ebook,
software and other electronic information sellers to not
only accept credit cards, but provide instant delivery of
their products to online purchasers.

ClickBank allows any merchant to accept virtually every
major credit card on the planet.

The online merchant simply adds a purchase link to their
site, the customer clicks the link, fills in their
payment information and the credit card gets authorized
on the spot.

Once the card gets approved ClickBank redirects the buyer
to a page that enables them to download the ebook,
software, or other product they have just purchased.

ClickBank also operates a fully integrated affiliate
program that automatically pays affiliates who sell your
products for you.

ClickBank heavily restricts what merchants may sell
through the service and does not allow the sale of
physical goods.

~ ~

Of the three, Paysystems behaves most like a traditional
credit card merchant account.

The service allows the merchant to integrate with a
number of third-party shopping carts as well as use the
PaySystems shopping cart system.

Merchants pay a small transaction fee and a percentage of
the sale, but don't sign up for any long-term service
contracts or equipment leases.

(c) Jim Edwards - All Rights reserved

Jim Edwards is a syndicated newspaper columnist and the
co-author of an amazing new ebook that will teach you how
to use free articles to quickly drive thousands of
targeted visitors to your website or affiliate links...

Simple "Traffic Machine" brings Thousands of NEW visitors to
your website for weeks, even months... without spending a
dime on advertising! []Turn Words Into

Article Source:

Monday, July 9, 2007

Credit Card Machine 802 Online

Online Credit Card Account Access
By Adam Goldman

Credit cards, the Internet and online services all pave the
path towards a new era of technological advancements and
commercialised lifestyles. Nowadays, you won’t have to fly
halfway around the world or drive across town to purchase
authentic gifts for a loved one. Instead, you can just order it
online at home. Your gift will be wrapped and delivered right to
your door step. All you need is a secure connection, a working
credit card account and a little understanding of how to manage
an online account.

In fact, if you find it hard to keep your bills in order or
can’t find the time to drop in at the bank, then having an
online credit card account is the best way to solve your
problems. With this, you can actually manage all your finances
without you ever leaving your office, or even your desk. You
can make instant payments on the spot, check past transactions
easily and immediately print statements that would regularly
take weeks to get to your mailbox.

With all this convenience, anyone is bound to worry about the
security of having an online credit card account. If you are
able to access your account with your name, ID or a simple
password, it is possible for a thief who has the right
combination of these elements to access to your account. Thus,
it is important that you do not give out your personal
information to strangers or even callers over the phone.

Also, before you enter any sensitive information on your
browser, ensure that your browser is a secured browser that
utilizes Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) that encrypts data before
transmitting it to the server. Most banking websites utilize
secured web pages indicated by a locked padlock sign at the
bottom of the browser. Naturally, credit card users are advised
to not make financial transactions over public computers. Online
access can be a godsend to most of us who lead a busy lifestyle
but if we are not careful, we may lose our finances and
property to thieving scoundrels at the click of a mouse.

About the Author: Adam Goldman recommends Find Credit Cards for
finding a Visa card application. See for more
